Some days are harder than others

The process of mastering, or more accurately managing, your experience of life is very much a process and not a destination. You do NOT master your life experience and arrive at this place where you now have it all together. No more work. Yes, can kick back and simply be the master of your domain…. Yeah right! Blah, blah, blah! <g> Life is a classroom of mastery. Today was one of those days for me.

I found myself quite some distance from my “Zen” place today. Frustrated about the present and the future. Annoyed (yes, that’s the polite word for it) at some of my recent experiences, projecting more unfulfilled experiences in the future… you know the drill.

Since I launched into choosing to have my life be a full time adventure in creating my world from the inside out I have gathering many tools to use when managing moments just like these.

One of the most powerful, yet simple, and often the most difficult to apply is this motto.

“I am totally, one hundred percent, responsible for my experience”

Often times, like the one I had this morning, applying this technique really sucks. We’re frustrated, angry, and a whole host of other icky things. We have been wronged, or maligned, or treated unfairly, and on and on and on.

We are definitely not responsible and it sure as hell is not our fault. (I wonder if the word hell will make it through the spam filters …..)

The first step in returning to a inner environment of peace, confidence, clear headed thinking and inspired actions is to completely remove the word “blame” from this exercise.

It seems us humans have a huge need to blame a person, place, thing, or event for our present experience. As soon as we dole out blame we are giving control of our present experience away. The next time you have blamed pay attention to how you physical feel. In that very moment. Do you feel at peace in your mind and relaxed in your body? I’m thinking not.

I’ll make the statement again.

“I am totally, one hundred percent, responsible for my experience”

With blame  out of the way let’s look a little closer at what that action statement means.

You are stating a simple, yet powerful truth. In this moment, regardless of who, how, or what has created the unpleasantness you have the power to choose what you will think and feel. You, no one else. Just you.

It is not your fault. There is no one or nothing to blame. It is simply this moment. I’ll add a few words to complete this mantra.

“I am totally, one hundred percent, responsible for the thoughts I choose to nurture, the feelings I choose to embrace, and the actions I will take in this moment which will create my experience”

It’s just that simple, not always easy, but just that simple.

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